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    The difference? Natural Vitamin C: Natural vitamin C is sourced from plants, fruits, animals, and minerals. Synthetic Vitamin C: Synthetic Vitamin C is wholly made in a lab, it is a stripped-down, isolated version; devoid of micronutrients and dietary fiber. Which one is better? Natural is always better, this fact becomes abundantly clear when looking at vitamins. To start with, the chemical name for vitamin C is Ascorbic acid. A growing amount of evidence shows that high consumption of synthetic ascorbic acid leads to the thickening of arteries and the formation of genotoxins that can even lead to cancer. Best sources of Vitamin C 1. Camu Camu Camu Camu (Myrciaria Dubia) is a berry, native to the Amazon rainforest. This superfood has long been used to improve health. It is undoubtedly the best source of vitamin C. It also contains nutrients such as antioxidants, beta-carotene, amino acids, protein, fatty acids, calcium, and potassium. 100gm of fresh Camu-Camu fruit normally contains Vitamin C ranging from 1,882 milligrams to 2,280 milligrams. In other words, it has a concentration of about 2 g of Vitamin C or 50,000 ppm per 100 g of fruit. This represents 50 times more Vitamin C than an orange. 2. Amla Berry Amla Berry is also known as Indian Gooseberry, it's being used in Ayurvedic medicine for 5000 years as it possesses excellent anti-aging and immune-modulating properties. It is an excellent source of Vitamin C, tannins, and antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase that provide relief from oxidative stress and inhibits Vitamin C degradation. Amla is rich in cofactors such as rutin, hesperidin, ellagic acid, quercetin, and tannins, which boost the action of Vitamin C. In addition, it possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancerous properties. Amla contains 20 times more Vitamin C compared to an orange. 100 grams of fresh Amla contains nearly 700 mg of Vitamin C. It has been found that Amla is 12 times more assimilable and has a much more potent effect on the body than synthetic Vitamin C.

  • Eat Your Stress Goodbye - Stress-Reducing Diet

    When you’re stressed out, the foods that you’re turning to are most likely going to be traditional ‘comfort’ foods – think big meals, take-out, fatty foods, and sweet foods. Let's face it – we've all found some comfort in a tasty meal when we've been stressed out or upset about something. However, this isn't the right permanent solution. When you're turning to unhealthy foods, you can feel better temporarily, but you will feel worse in the long run. When your body isn't getting the right nutrition, you can begin to feel less energetic, more lethargic, and in some cases, less able to concentrate and focus. All of this can lead to even more stress. Foods that Fight Stress If you've been feeling more stressed out than usual lately, it's essential to know which foods are best to choose and which to avoid when it comes to combating stress and helping you to deal with feelings of stress and anxiety. The best way to fight stress is to have a healthy, balanced diet, which includes a moderate amount of each of the different food groups. Filling up on foods such as whole grains, leafy vegetables, and lean proteins as the basic staples of the diet is the best way to ensure that your body gets the optimum amounts of nutrients to fight both physical and mental health problems. When it comes to choosing the foods to eat, some have a range of excellent properties which help the body to combat stress. Choosing these stress-busting foods will help heal and calm your mind permanently, rather than provide a temporary fix. Some of the best stress-fighting foods include: Avocado Blueberries Chamomile Tea Chocolate Beef Oatmeal Pistachios Green leafy vegetables Putting Together Your Diet Plan Planning your meals wisely is key to not only staying physically fit and healthy but also to staying mentally sharp and being able to manage your levels of stress best. Knowing which foods to avoid and which are the best to reach for to snack on when you're feeling worried and anxious is vital to help you control your emotions and fears. When you’re feeling stressed, you may be tempted to reach for classic ‘comfort foods’ – usually foods laden with sugar, very starchy, or greasy. However, although these foods can make you feel momentarily better, they will worsen in the long run. Having stress-busting snacks such as fresh berries, dark chocolate, yogurt, walnuts or pistachios, or even a fruit smoothie with avocado and leafy greens can help you to feel better in both the short and long term when it comes to stress. When it comes to combating and dealing with stress in the long run, it's essential to make sure that, for the most part, you are eating a diet that is healthy and balanced. To stay on track, it's a good idea to make a meal plan for your week and plan to make sure that you have a good selection of these stress-busting foods in your kitchen to prepare meals and snacks from when you're feeling like stress-eating. Making sure that the majority of your meals include foods such as lean proteins and leafy green vegetables will not only make you feel healthier overall but can improve your mental health and stress levels, too. A good example of a healthy, stress-busting menu would be: Breakfast: Oatmeal with berries or a fruit smoothie with avocado and berries Mid-morning snack: Natural yogurt with fruit or a handful of pistachio nuts Lunch: A quinoa salad filled with plenty of leafy greens Afternoon snack: Dark chocolate Dinner: Grass-fed beef with vegetables Before bed: Chamomile tea Of course, you don’t need to stick to this menu – but it gives you a good idea! Remember to exercise proper portion control when eating nuts, chocolate, yogurt, or avocado! As the saying goes, you are what you eat – so make sure that first and foremost, you're filling yourself up with foods that are good for your mental health.

  • Easy to Maintain Diet for Quick Weight Reduction

    There are a lot of people in the world who are trying to find ways to lose weight quickly. In this article, I write about a simple diet that worked for me. I have always had an ongoing battle with my weight; however, a few years ago, I lost those excess pounds. I have always liked the wrong types of food, as a result, have always been on the high side. I have to be very careful about what I eat as I seem to gain weight very quickly. In my life, I have tried many weight loss programs or diets; however, I have always looked for a way of losing weight without having to resort to starving myself or by having to do huge amounts of exercise. I am not sure if you are like me, but I have always been annoyed and frustrated with people who seem to be able to eat seemingly large amounts of food without getting fat. I am sure I eat half as much as these people but am still twice their size, it is not fair! That was until a couple of years ago. I decided I needed to find my weight loss program. I had to be realistic; I was aware that I did minimal exercise due to work and travel, and liked all of the wrong types of food. I loved the taste of fast food; this was only because of my busy lifestyle, though. One of my biggest problems was that I liked snack food, such as peanuts, chocolate, and chips. I knew that most people would advise me to stop eating all of these fatty type foods, especially the pizzas and chips. They would also no doubt encourage me to join a gym and to go jogging every morning. Get real! Those gyms are full of thin people; if I go jogging, I might get mugged, and I am sorry, but life would not be worth living without my weekly pizza! I decided that what I would do is eat a healthy breakfast, which would be muesli or oatmeal. I would have a relatively light lunch, such as a sandwich or salad; however, I could eat whatever I wanted for my early evening meal. The main thing and most difficult to implement would be that I would no longer be eating between meals. The snacks had to go!. I am not trying to say that this was easy to do; however, I had a need and was determined to lose weight. For exercise, I decided to leave the car at home, wherever possible, and walk to more places. I also started taking my children to the park more often. At the park, we would play games such as football, tag, and Frisbee. It is incredible how much weight you can lose by having fun. These things helped me shed most of my stubborn weight and reach a size I was happy with. Once the results started showing, my energy level and motivation were so high, I got right back to the gym and my healthy routines.

  • Shedding Weight for a Healthier Heart

    Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of obese Americans continues to rise. Thirty percent of adults over age 20-more than 60 million people are obese, which means they are 30 pounds overweight and have a BMI, or body mass index (a measure of body fat), of more than 30. Obesity Is on The Rise! One of the National Institutes of Health's goals is to reduce obesity among adults by more than half by the year 2025. However, current data suggests that the situation is getting worse. Due to rising rates of childhood obesity, the average American could decrease life expectancy by two to five years over the next few decades unless significant efforts are made to slow down the rising rates of obesity. What's more, obesity is a risk factor for heart disease and other serious health complications: Obesity is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Having these disorders simultaneously is a condition called metabolic syndrome, which can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and kidney disease. High blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease, is twice as common in obese adults than in those who are at a healthy weight. Obesity can also lead to arthritis, which is caused by stress on your joints. A Likely Trigger for Heart Disease Obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure are a collective grouping of risk factors for people with heart disease. Managing all these risk factors will help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. What You Can Do Today! Overweight and obesity together represent the number-two preventable cause of death in the U.S. after smoking. There are many things you can do to get your weight under control and manage your risk for heart disease: Talk to your doctor about medicines that may help control your risk factors for heart disease. If you are prescribed medications, take them exactly as directed and for as long as your doctor recommends. Concurrently, increase your nutritional intake with fresh and organic fruits and vegetables, and detox your body. Resolve to make this year a healthier one and set your weight reduction goal and stick with it. Develop a diet and exercise plan that you feel is realistic and that you can maintain.

  • Mushrooms are not only fun-gis, but also great friends when it comes to Boosting your Immunity!

    Did you know, these little guys are now being used by engineers to create sturdy and biodegradable structures. Some say that mushrooms might just be able to save the world, but we can surely claim that they can save your immune system!! Did you know? Mushrooms have been around for some time now. Mushrooms not only contain more protein and potassium than most other fruits and vegetables but are also more closely related in DNA to humans than most plants. There are over 10,000 types of mushrooms. Don’t know which ones to eat? No worries, we’ve got you covered. HERE ARE THE 4 MUSHROOMS YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED FOR A BALANCED DIET: CORDYCEPS Cordyceps, also known as Caterpillar mushroom has been used as an exotic medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine for ages. This interesting-looking plant has the ability to infect other insects and arthropods. It lands on the insect and the spore germinates and hyphae begin to grow inside the insect and turn into mycelium. In simpler words… it turns the bad guys in your body to mycelium which increases innate immune cells, regulates immune cell compounds for balanced immune response, and activates white blood cells for immune health! BENEFITS Has anti-Aging Properties Fights Inflammation Manages Type 2 Diabetes Has anti-Tumor Effects LIONS MANE You guessed it, the name Lion’s mane comes from the appearance of these white, globe-shaped fungi with shaggy spines. These mushrooms are huge in Asia, for both culinary and medicinal purposes and are essential for gut health. Lion’s mane mushrooms consumption results in antibacterial activity that may improve digestion. It is a certified candidate for brain and nerve health. It also improves the development and function of nerves and helps protect them from becoming damaged. This might help prevent conditions such as anxiety, memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. BENEFITS It protects and regenerates the brain and nervous system. Improves cognitive functioning memory and the ability to focus. It improves mood and helps relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Fights Inflammation. REISHI Reishi, the queen of mushrooms has earned this title because of its superiority in medicinal properties. Reishi is as magical as it looks, it is quite popular in Eastern medicine and is known for its immune-boosting function. It has this effect by altering inflammation pathways in the white blood cells. It also improves lymphocyte function, which helps fight infections and cancer. Reishi is commonly used by many people as a night time tea; it relaxes the nervous system, which takes you into a deep sleep without making you drowsy! So sit back, get healthy, and relax with Reishi. BENEFITS Used to control high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It has anti-viral properties. It builds strength and stamina. It is known to relieve pain during shingles. MAITAKE We saved the best for last. Maitake, the dancing mushroom - yes, that’s what the name actually means. This mushroom is Cholesterol-free and rich in Antioxidants, Amino Acids, Potassium, Vitamin B and C, Minerals and so much more. You will also feel like dancing when you eat this super mushroom. Its incredible properties have paved a path into the world of medicine. Maitake's culinary value has also made it a huge part of Asian cuisine. But it doesn’t end there, this mushroom is known to suppress tumor growth. Maitake powdered extract lowers Cholesterol levels and also improves overall immune function. BENEFITS Treats cold and flu viruses. It Is known to reduce the effects of chemotherapy. It helps to control blood pressure. It may help treat infertility. It helps with treating inflammatory bowel disease. It's difficult and costly to find all these in one place. But, here at Puresome, we have created a solution to solve this problem by including all four of these mushrooms, and much more in one supplement... our ultimate Immune Booster!

  • Shedding Weight While Keeping Your Skin Firm

    Considering you don't have an excessive amount of loose skin already, it is possible to shed weight and keep your skin firm in the process. The idea is to keep your body well hydrated day in and day out. NEVER EVER let yourself become dehydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and NEVER EVER eliminate your carbohydrate intake. Most people who have lost weight too fast by eliminating their carbohydrates ended up with a lot of excess skin afterward. The whole idea is to lose weight to get healthier and, of course, to look better with your clothes ON and with your clothes OFF. Here are some tips Follow a well-rounded, balanced diet. Follow a full-body exercise routine alternating with a split routine every four weeks. For example, full-body routine four weeks, split routine four weeks, full-body routine four weeks, and so on. Considering that you don't have stomach ulcers and are not on blood thinners, you should also take ONE TEASPOON of cold artic cod liver oil ONCE PER DAY with your evening meal. Take 1000-1500mg of lecithin per day. Lecithin has been known to increase the elasticity of the skin. Anything you can do to increase circulation will also help. Skin brushing techniques are excellent. Do a search on the internet for skin brushing to get all the info you need. Deep massages are also excellent. Most importantly, if you are more than 75 pounds overweight, do not shed weight too fast. The more you weigh, the easier it will be to shake off weight on this program, so ease into it slowly, so you shed about 3 pounds per week. Doing this will prevent sagging skin. If you lose weight too fast, you will end up with loose skin 90% of the time. Some of my clients have done weekly body wraps with great success, but it can get messy. You can do this as an option, but it's not necessary. As an option, you can also take a supplement called collagen. As I stated above, one key to increasing your skin elasticity is to keep your body well hydrated. Yes, drinking water will do this. The average person needs at least ½ an ounce of water per pound of body weight. Possibly more, depending on the type of exercise you do daily. The reason why so many people end up with loose skin after shedding weight is that they go on low carbohydrate diets that will, in turn, dehydrate the body. If you drop weight and are dehydrated in the process, you will see the scale weight go down, but unfortunately, most of the weight being lost is nothing more than water weight. If you are losing 2-3 pounds per week, you are doing great. If you are losing 4-6 pounds, you are pushing the limit. Any more than 6 pounds per week, and you are sure to end up with loose skin after losing weight because chances are you are restricting too many carbohydrates from your diet. Cutting out refined flours/bread and sugars will yield the best results. Also, avoid getting on the scale every week and go more by how your clothes are fitting. I always tell my clients to try on the tightest pair of pants they have and then follow my program for four weeks and try them again. After four weeks, those tight-fitting pants will be a thing of the past. Follow all the above, and you will see satisfactory results.

  • Shed Pounds While You Sleep!!!

    You probably didn't know it, but one of the best times to shed weight is sleeping. That's because the human body is designed by nature to repair itself during the hours we are sleeping. Our bodies use sleep to repair and strengthen our muscles, joints, and other parts that get tired and damaged through use and exertion during waking hours. This restorative process uses energy to rebuild lean muscle mass and to help rebuild other kinds of body tissue. That is worth repeating -- this rebuilding process uses energy -- and if the rebuilding process runs smoothly and efficiently, that energy comes from places in our body where energy is stored -- from fat. In other words, the body rebuilds tissue, organs, bone, and lean muscle by burning fat. Several things about this process are worth noting. They have a significant bearing on how efficiently it works. Collagen is essential to the body repair process Collagen is the most common protein found in our bodies. It is the main component of our skin, nails, bones, cartilage, and connective tissue and is located in all of the body organs. Cartilage is the cushion and shock absorber between joints, and the reason we stay flexible and mobile. Healthy cartilage is continually being regenerated by the body naturally, and this process contributes to keeping us youthful and elastic. As we age, our bodies lose the ability to produce Collagen at sufficient levels to support the deep restorative sleep processes that our bodies are designed to perform. This can be a significant contributor to a prematurely aged appearance and can affect our flexibility and mobility. It stands to reason that a Collagen supplement combined with other natural ingredients can have a dramatic effect in better supporting the deep restorative sleep process. This, in turn, can allow the body to experience more energy, build more lean muscle, and burn more fat. Amino acids enhance the regeneration process The rebuilding process is also influenced by the efficiency of the amino acids usually used for this purpose. As part of the rebuilding process, amino acids help maintain lean muscle mass and allow the body to more readily consume fat for energy. This contributes to weight loss. Again, as we age, our body's production of efficient amino acids is reduced. A supplement such as L-Carnitine is a unique amino acid that enhances the body's normal function and helps your body convert excess fat into readily available fuel. During deep sleep, these exceptional amino acids work like a natural "turbocharger" to help your body repair, preserve, and build lean muscle while burning stored fat to supply the needed energy. Not eating before sleeping is essential Since the body uses deep sleep for the restoration process, it is crucial when using a Collagen supplement not to eat three hours before going asleep. This is because we don't want nutrient competition between undigested food and the Collagen supplement unique nutrient formula itself. If the body has to concern itself with digestion, it will not absorb the Collagen formula properly. Therefore, your body will not be performing its natural restorative process. At the same time, you sleep but instead will be concerned with undigested foods and storing fat from the continuing digestive process rather than burning fat as the energy for the deep sleep restorative process. This tends to put us into a "diet circle of frustration." The less time your body spends in deep, restful sleep (without competing for digestion), the less time it has to restore its natural health, and the less fat burned in support of this natural rebuilding process. We now understand the critical connection between deep restorative sleep and weight loss often goes hand in hand with our overall health. Reducing or eliminating food intake three hours before bedtime allows the body to use its natural fat reserves for metabolic fuel during the deep restorative sleep cycle. Collagen weight reduction program builds on this process. Natural Collagen products such as Lose and Snooze enables this natural process to help people lose weight. Lose and Snooze consists of a blend of Collagen, L-Carnitine, and Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera). The Collagen contributes to a more youthful appearance, greater flexibility, and all-round mobility and strength. Thousands of satisfied users of the Collagen weight loss program have reported taking Collagen in combination with an empty stomach before bedtime, which has been beneficial to their health and has helped them naturally lose weight. And because the Collagen weight loss program only helps lose excess fat (while rebuilding muscle), it can be used by anybody -- not just people wanting to lose weight. It has also been beneficial for folks who wish to enjoy better sleep, build lean muscle, improve their appearance, and to reshape their body while maintaining their proper healthy weight.

  • Change Your Diet for Shedding Weight

    One of the most important things to do when you are trying to get in shape is taking caution of your diet. This does not assume any time from your schedule, and you will feel much healthier when you eat the right foods in the right quantity. One of the best ways to change your diet is to switch to an organic one. It is good to increase the fiber in your diet, which will clean out your colon of all harmful weight loss inhibitors. Instead of eating refined or processed foods, you should eat whole grain foods like brown rice and Quinoa. These have more fiber and less bad fats, such as trans-fat and cholesterol. It would help if you also increased your input of protein, minerals, and vitamins. To do this, it is good to eat more fruits and vegetables and substitute red meat for fish and chicken. These meats have fewer calories and fat and still provide more protein. One of the most important parts of changing your diet is to eliminate junk food. This will include candy, chips, popcorn, ice cream, milkshakes, and soda. You can substitute fruits and vegetable snacks instead. Instead of sodas, you can drink water or dilute juice with water for flavor. You will find this makes a massive difference in your sugar and fat intake. You will feel healthier and have more energy when you change your diet. At first, you may feel slightly different from the extra fiber and complete change in food, but this will soon pass, and your body will work better and more efficiently. You will have more energy and feel like an entirely new, better person. Keeping fit does not just depend on exercises; diet also plays an integral part in improving yours. Remember that looking after your health and staying healthy is an investment in yourself and something you should not neglect, or you will find that you will regret poor health habits later. Diet is one part of staying fit that does not take any time, and you will reap the benefits throughout your life once you get into a good habit. With these few points, you can make huge strides towards staying fit and healthy and doing the things you want to do.

  • 10 Small Steps To Improve Your Health

    Many of us make health-related resolutions, such as to shed weight, stop smoking, or join the neighbourhood health club. While it is common to set high goals, experts say that setting smaller goals could do more for our health. "Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your daily routine," says James O. Hill, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. "They are less overwhelming than a big, sudden change." Here are 10 to try: 1. Keep an eye on your weight and work on making sure you are not gaining extra lbs. Even if you gain just a pound or two every year, the excess weight adds up quickly. 2. Take more small steps. Use a pedometer to count your daily steps; then add 2,000, the equivalent of one extra mile. Keep adding steps, 1,000 to 2,000 each month or so, until you take 10,000 steps on most days. 3. Eat breakfast. Breakfast eaters tend to weigh less and have better diets overall. For a filling and nutrition-packed breakfast, top your base with fresh fruit slices and low-fat or fat-free milk. 4. Switch three-grain servings each day to whole grain. If you're like the average American, you eat less than one whole grain servings a day. 5. Have at least one green salad every day. Eating a salad (with an intelligently selected dressing) is filling and may help you eat less during the meal. It also counts toward your five daily cups of vegetables and fruits. 6. Trim the fat. Fat has a lot of calories, and calories count. Purchase lean meats, eat poultry without the skin, switch to lower-fat cheeses, use a nonstick pan with only a dab of oil or butter. 7. Consider calcium by including two or three daily servings of low-fat or fat-free milk or yogurt. Dairy calcium is good for bones and may also help you lose weight. 8. Downsize. The smaller the bag, the bottle or bowl, the less you will eat. 9. Shed just 5 to 10 percent of your current weight. The health benefits are huge-lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides. 10. Keep track of your eating. Write down what you eat over the next couple of days and look for problem spots. Often, just writing things down can help you eat less.

  • Low Carb Fad Diets Revealed

    With all of the conflicting studies and open interpretation of advice, it's no stunner that disorder reigns when it comes to the value and safety of low-carb diets. Whether it's Atkins, the South Beach or another low-carb setup, as many as 30 million Americans are doing a low-carb diet. Advocates swear that the high quantity of carbohydrates in our diet has led to increasing problems with obesity, diabetes, and other health conditions. Critics, on the contrary, attribute obesity and associated health conditions to over-consumption of calories from any source, and shortage of physical movement. Critics also contend that the lack of grains, fruits, and vegetables in low-carbohydrate plans may lead to deficiencies of some essential nutrients, like fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, and several minerals. Any plan, either low or high in carbohydrate, can generate substantial weight loss during the diet's primary stages. But bear in mind, the key to prosperous dieting is in being capable to part with the weight for good. Put another way, what does the scale reveal a year after going off the diet? Let's see if we can debunk some of the mystery around low-carb diets. Further down is a listing of some relevant points taken from the latest studies. Differences Between Low-Carb Diets There are several popular diets designed to reduce carbohydrate intake. Reducing total carbohydrate in the diet means that protein and fat will represent a proportionately more significant quantity of the whole caloric intake. Atkins and Protein Powder diets limit carbs to a point where the body becomes ketogenic. Other low-carb diets like the Zone and Life Without Bread are less restrictive. Some, like Sugar Busters, assert to remove only sugars and foods that raise blood sugar levels excessively. What We Know about Low-Carb Diets Just about all of the studies to date have been small with a broad range of research objectives. Carbohydrates, caloric consumption, diet length, and participant characteristics have varied considerably. Most of the studies maintain two things in common: Not one of the studies had participants with a mean age above 53, and Not one of the controlled studies lasted longer than three months. Findings on older adults and long-term results are scant. Several diet studies fail to monitor the amount of exercise, and consequently, caloric expenditure. This helps to explain discrepancies among studies. The weight loss on low-carb diets is a business of caloric restriction and diet length, and not with reduced carbohydrate intake. This discovery suggests that if you desire to lose weight, you should eat fewer calories and do so over a prolonged duration. Little data exists on the long-range safety of low-carb diets. Despite the medical community concerns, no short-term adverse effects have been established on cholesterol, glucose, insulin, and blood pressure levels among participants on the diets. Adverse effects may not be exposed because of the short period of the studies. Researchers have found that losing weight typically leads to an improvement in these levels anyway, which may offset an increase caused by a high-fat diet. The extended range weight difference for low-carb and other types of diets is comparable. Most low-carb diets invoke ketosis. Some of the potential consequences are nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and confusion. During the first stages of low-carb dieting, some fatigue and constipation may be encountered. Usually, these symptoms go away quickly. Ketosis may also give the breath a fruity odor, somewhat similar to nail-polish remover (acetone). Low-carb diets do not permit the consumption of more calories than other types of diets, as has been frequently reported. A calorie is a calorie, and it doesn't matter whether they originate from carbohydrates or fat. Study discrepancies are likely the effect of uncontrolled circumstances, i.e., diet participants that cheat on calorie intake, calories burned during exercise, or any other factors. The drop-out rate for rigorous low-carb diets is somewhat high. What Should You Do? There are three significant points I would like to re-emphasize: The long-range success rate for low-carb and other types of diets is comparable. Despite their acceptance, little data exists on the long-term efficacy and safeness of low-carbohydrate diets. Rigorous low-carb diets are generally not as sustainable as a usual way of eating. Boredom most often overcomes willpower. It is clear after reviewing the subject that more, well-designed and controlled studies are required. There isn't a lot of satisfactory information available, especially regarding long-range effects. Strict low-carb diets generate ketosis, which is an unusual and potentially stressful metabolic state. Under some circumstances, this may cause health-related complications. The food you choose should be a blueprint for a lifetime of better eating, not just a hasty weight loss plan to reach your goal. If you can't see yourself eating the prescribed foods longer than a few days or a week, then chances are it's not the proper diet for you. To this end, following a somewhat low-fat diet with a healthy balance of fat, protein, carbohydrate, and other nutrients is beneficial. If you do resolve to follow a low-carb arrangement, bear in mind that certain dietary fats are associated with the reduction of disease. Foods high in unsaturated fats free of trans-fatty acids such as olive oil, fish, flaxseeds, and nuts are preferred to fats from animal origins. Even promoters of the Atkins diet now say men and women on their system should curb the amount of red meat and saturated fat they eat. Atkins representatives tell health professionals that just 20 percent of a dieter's calories should come from saturated fat (i.e., meat, cheese, butter). This switch comes as Atkins faces contention from other popular low-carb diets that call for less saturated fat, such as the South Beach diet plan. Another alternative to "strict" low-carb dieting would be to give up some bad carbohydrate foods but not "throw out the baby with the bathwater". In other words, foods high in processed sugar, snacks, and white bread would be avoided, but foods high in complex carbs such as fruits, potatoes, and whole grains, retained.

  • A Healthy Guide to Good Nutrition

    Whether you are at your ideal weight or striving to reach your weight goal, is it merely burning more calories than you take in? The answer, I suggest, is no! Overall, body health improvement and weight gain or loss must be factored into the equation, or you could be heading for problems. Correct nutrition can reduce the risk of a myriad of health-related issues, the most frightening of which are surely heart disease and cancer. However, proper nutrition entails eating many different foods and monitoring your consumption of some food and beverage items. Good diets offer balanced nutrition that reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, and helps with weight control. To function properly, your body must have the correct combination of nutrients: Carbohydrates: They are the primary source of ammunition in your diet. The body uses carbohydrates to build glucose, which can be used immediately or stored in your body for later. Too much glucose, however, is stored as fat. There are two types of carbohydrates - simple and complex. Sugars are simple carbohydrates. Starches and fibers are complex carbohydrates. Proteins: Proteins help your body build and maintain muscles and other tissues. They also function in the creation of hormones. Like carbohydrates, excess protein is stored as fat. Animal and vegetable are the two major types of proteins. Too much animal protein can cause high cholesterol, as it is high in saturated fat. Fat: Strange as it may seem, fat is another nutrient your body requires. It comes in both saturated and unsaturated forms. Saturated fat puts you at risk of health problems. Unsaturated fat is healthy, but if it goes through any refinement process, it can become saturated fat. Vitamins: These are also required nutrients. Different vitamins perform different tasks within the body. They can work with the metabolism to help with energy levels for any task you can think of that you need your body to perform. It has also been noted that specific vitamins can prevent disease. For example, vitamins A, C, and E, also called antioxidants, can help prevent coronary artery disease by keeping build up from occurring on artery walls. Vitamin B-1 is needed for digestion and proper nervous system function. Vitamin B-2 is required for healthy cell growth. Vitamin B-3 helps to detoxify your body. Folic acid assists with the production of red blood cells. Vitamin D assists with the absorption of calcium. Vitamin K helps your blood clot. Minerals and trace elements: These are other nutrients your body requires. Both are used in many different body processes. Minerals like chlorine help make your digestive juices. Phosphorus helps build strong bones. Both can be found in the foods we consume, but with a trace element, your body needs a tiny amount. Salt is one final nutrient your body requires. You should not consume more than 2400 milligrams per day, though, as it might raise your blood pressure. You should follow several guidelines to create a well-balanced, nutritional diet. First, try to consume two- and one-half cups of vegetables and two cups of fruit each day. When making your selections for each day, be sure to choose a good variety. A useful rough guide is to eat as many different colors as possible; this will help you to select from all five vegetable subgroups at least four times per week. You should eat at least three ounces of whole-grain products each day. At least half of your grain intake should be the whole grain-based. Milk (dairy or non-dairy) should also be part of a healthy diet. Consume at least forty-eight ounces of low-fat milk/ almond milk or milk products daily. Your total fat intake should only be between ten and thirty percent of your calories. Most of the fats you consume should be in the form of unsaturated fats, as saturated fats can damage your health. Meat, poultry, dry beans, and milk or milk products should all be lean, low-fat. Less than ten percent of your calories should come from saturated fats, and you should always try to avoid trans-fatty acid. Fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains should be a regular part of your diet as should potassium-rich foods. Excellent nutrition is the basis of a healthy diet.

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